Silver Linings

Silver Linings

We’ve all had to adjust our habits in recent weeks. While it may take us a bit of getting used to, chances are your children have already discovered a silver lining in this modified way of living. Whether positive things have come to your family in the form of more books read together, more video calls with Granny or more hobbies explored, we’d love to hear about them!

Tweet us at @LKPChildrens with the hashtag #silverlining  


With a few weeks still to go before things fully return to normal, we invite your family to take their newly minted hobbies to the next level and take stock of what natural wonders the world has to offer! 

See the world through new eyes this Easter with the help of these Laurence King books and gifts for children. Want some for yourself? Head over to the LKP blog for the adults' version.

Want to win the lot? Scroll down to enter the giveaway!


Hello Nature Activity Cards Laurence King

Explore the natural world in your garden around you using these activity cards. Open a bird restaurant or create a pebble masterpiece!

Be a Super Awesome Photographer Henry Carroll

With this book and a camera, your kids can learn how to be invisible, play with your food and stop time in their photographs!

The Element in the Room Investigating the Atomic Ingredients that Make Up Your HomeWith the help of this Blue Peter Award nominated book, your kids can investigate the atomic ingredients that make up their home. Discover a wealth of unchartered territory within the walls of your home!

A Cat’s Guide to the Night SkyIf you're ever feeling locked in, just look up. Take a night to indulge in some stargazing and let this very knowledgeable cat called Felicity guide the way.


Give your kids a fresh start this Easter!

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